Heather Collie Chase has lived in Chester Vermont with her four children, her dogs, and her miniature donkeys for twenty years. She has served two years in the State Legislature and sits on the House Committee on Commerce and Economic Development. In response to the priorities and concerns of her constituents, Heather has sponsored bills and resolutions ranging from removing regulatory barriers to housing affordability to expanding apprenticeship and workplace opportunities. Heather previously served on the Chester Selectboard from 2015 and as Vice Chair since 2017. She also served as Chair of the Chester Board of Civil Authority, Justice of the Peace, and briefly as the Town Health Officer. Ms. Chase also serves as a member, appointed by Governor Scott, on the Vermont Economic Progress Council (VEPC).

A Registered Nurse, Heather received her Bachelor of Science from Seattle University in 1983 (magna cum laude) and a Masters in Community Health in 1989 from San Jose State University (magna cum laude). 

She is a small business owner and president of Corporate Lactation Services, Inc. with clients located throughout the United States. Heather founded this work-life company in 1996 with the mission to assist corporations in helping their employees to combine both a fulfilling career while simultaneously providing their babies with the best possible nutrition for as long as possible

Heather is running for reelection as the Democratic candidate for the Vermont House of Representatives serving the Windsor-Windham district.